Teffie: a portable AI chatbot for foreign language teachers
Professional: summary and analysis of Teffie, a portable, 100% open-source generative AI teaching assistant for the foreign language classroom.
Hi, I’m Kevin! This is my little corner of the internet where you can find my personal projects, essays, and other small creative things.
I recently graduated with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in computer science from the University of Michigan, and I am currently serving in Poland as an English Teaching Assistant for the Fulbright Program, an international cultural exchange program administered through the US Department of State. Right now I am teaching computer science and English language courses to students at the University of Łomża.
I will be looking for entry SWE positions starting in April of 2024. If you’re interested by what you see here or on my portfolio, feel free to reach out! I’m always happy to talk about software, particularly systems engineering and machine learning applications.
The best ways to reach me are kevin
or LinkedIn. If you are a student of mine at University of Łomża, please contact me using the school email client.
Professional: summary and analysis of Teffie, a portable, 100% open-source generative AI teaching assistant for the foreign language classroom.
Hi, read me first! I’m short I promise :D
PERSONAL: a quick update because that’s good for sanity and stuff.
PERSONAL: An alum revisits and reflects on the University of Michigan.
Discussing plans, from a personal perspective, for the next 4 months.
Following from some recent conversations with industry veterans about how best to develop and showcase my engineering skills, I’ve decided to start on my own...
Brief set of notes on modules in case it saves anyone else some searching.
Alien dictionary.
Longest consecutive sequence.
Number of islands.
Pacific atlantic water flow.
Course schedule.
Clone graph.
Jump game.
Unique paths.
Decode ways.
House robber II.
House robber.
Combination sum.
Word break.
Longest common subsequence.
Longest increasing subsequence.
Scattered thoughts that I can’t be bothered to write a full blog post about. This was a nice and relieving task, so I might do this again in the future.
An explanation of a Chinese-American’s personal project in Poland. This is intended to be a semi-formal overview with information for potential interviewees.
Coin change.
Climbing stairs.
Reverse bits.
Missing number.
Counting bits.
Number of 1 bits.
Go there when snow falls.
Sum of two integers.
Split array largest sum.
Container with most water.
Three sum.
I’ll break the checkpoint format briefly to recap my 2023 holidays. I spent Christmas in southern Poland with some of the friends I made in Fulbright, then n...
Find minimum in rotated sorted array.
Maximum product subarray.
Maximum subarray.
Product of array except self.
Contains Duplicate.
Best time to buy and sell stock.
Template for LeetCode drill posts.
Two sum.
A deconstruction of who I am, who I’m not, what I’m missing, and what I have that other people don’t.
Brief post about the new homepage layout, plus some rambling on web dev and other goals for the website.
My first (very stressful) steps in Europe, plus the lasting impact of a childhood video game.
This story begins by killing two women. Maybe don’t read this with your breakfast cereal.
On travel, solitude, and the nature of true companionship.
actually i dum dum
The main reason I’ve taken so long to get my blog up and running is because I’ve had a hard time getting comments with Staticman to work. It took a week or t...
I’m feeling better compared to earlier this month. A lot has happened:
I promised my friends I would blog my journey for the next year; it’s taken a while, but here we finally are. What was it that Douglas Adams said about deadl...